London Mini Brand Portrait Sessions Spring 2023.

Female entrepreneur mini session portrait

After the success of my first round of Mini Sessions last Autumn, I am super excited to announce that I will be running a second round of Mini Brand Portrait Sessions this Spring 2023!

What are the Mini Brand Portrait Sessions?

So that I can help a range of small business owners and entrepreneurs at different stages of your business journeys and with different sized budgets, I decided to introduce a special offering that could be accessible to even more of you who are in need of professional portraits.

The Mini Brand Portrait Sessions are essentially a mini version of my signature brand and portrait packages, and also a fraction of the price!!

To keep the price so low, there are a small selection of dates and London locations to choose from, where I will offer a limited number of mini session time slots each day.

The result? You’ll end up with a selection of stunning professional portraits to use across your marketing platforms and really stand out!

So if this sounds interesting, read on to learn more.

Female graphic designer standing by colourful mosaic wall smiling at camera
corporate woman professional portrait
Female therapist sitting on steps laughing
Female wine expert professional portrait

Who is a Mini Session for?

The Mini Brand Portrait Sessions are for all kinds of professionals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and small business owners who want to show up, look professional, and get seen!

A few reasons a mini session could be right for you:

  • You have a small budget.

At just £60 a session, they are by far the most affordable way to work with me!

  • You’re in need of a little photo update.

If you need a ‘top-up’ of just a few new portraits to update your online presence, a mini session is ideal!

  • You’re just starting your business / entrepreneurial pursuit.

If you’re not quite ready for a full brand shoot, but you still need a few professional photos to get your started, a mini session is a great way to dip your toes in to professional photoshoots!

  • You’re camera shy.

If you’re not ready for a longer shoot, mini sessions are just 25-minutes so are a great way to ease yourself in front of the camera!

  • You’re considering a larger brand shoot but still deciding.

If you’re considering booking a full personal brand photography package, this is a great way to test out if I’m the right photographer for you and also get some practice in!

  • You’re busy.

If you don’t have a lot of spare time but could really do with some professional portraits for your business, a mini session will get you some great images without taking up too much of your time!

Woman laughing with face tilted into the sun
Female nutritionist professional portrait
Female speech and language therapist blowing bubbles and holding a bubble wand

What are the benefits of a mini session?

People invest in people, so it’s important for you to show up as the face of your brand, rather than being a faceless entity that no one can connect with. Using professional and personal portraits across all your marketing platforms are a great way to…

  • Stand out.

  • Make the right first impression.

  • Build trust & connection.

  • Look professional & build credibility.

  • Be memorable.

  • AND they are also great for creating engaging content!

Woman business owner smiling holding mobile phone
Creative female smiling with hands on her hips

OK, give me the details!

This time round, there will be 15 mini session slots available over 3 days.

Each day takes place in a different London location, so you can choose the best area for you. 

A mini session includes:

  • Session prep guide.

  • 25 minute portrait photoshoot.

  • Viewing gallery of 12 images where 2 can be selected & more can be purchased if you wish.

  • You’ll also be part of a blog post which is great for your SEO!

(If you require a more personalised brand shoot with lots of detailed planning, then check out my signature personal brand photography package options as these might suit you better!😉)

Spring 2023 mini session dates & locations:

  • Sunday 23rd April 2023: SHOREDITCH.

  • Tuesday 25th April 2023: SPITALFIELDS.

  • Thursday 27th April 2023: BARBICAN.

    (There are only 5 slots each day so please book early to avoid disappointment.)

The Spring 2023 Mini Brand Portrait Sessions cost just £60 a session and will provide you with a selection of stunning professional portraits to use across your marketing platforms! For full details click here.

I’m super excited about the spring mini sessions and I just can’t wait to meet you, learn all about your business and of course, create your professional portraits that will help your business grow!


The next round of Mini Sessions are on the

23rd, 25th & 27th April 2023.

To find out all the details and book your session just click the button below.


What kind of photos do writers need?


Self love tips for camera shy business owners & entrepreneurs.